So there's four episodes left this season, and excluding the finale, with this episode we've hit the forgettable patch of the season. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that I had a hard time retaining this episode, as well as the ones that come after it ("Puberty" and "Jordan Goes To The Dentist"). How To Live A Better Life, as I have explained before, lives and breathes on self-contained concept episodes. It just so happens that there's three particularly unmemorable ones in a row before we get to the absolutely ball-dropping "The Derkiss".
I guess this episode is of note because we see the return of Gordon, Jordan's big twin brother (that sounds familiar). Gordon makes the journey up to Jordan's house to tell him that his Uncle Remus died, and then promptly leaves. If that was all he was there for, couldn't he have just called? He mentions that he'll be in town for the next couple of days so I assume he has other engagements but still, what a waste of a trip. Still, it was good to see you, Gordon.
Jordan doesn't want Gordon to go without some quality catch-up time spent together, so Gordon invites him to go fishing. Once Jordan gets back, he's very noticeably sauced, and a Mountain Dew bottle falls out of his shirt ("I'm holding that for a friend!"). This fires up Mike, and he has a heated discussion with Gordon about Jordan's boundaries, which in turn fires up Gordon, and in a major case of foreshadowing, Gordon threatens to take Jordan away from Jordan's own house. Makes little sense, but it's funny seeing Jordan reduced to a child while his brother and his British counterpart have an unofficial custody battle (How old is Jordan? Where are his and Gordon's parents?), which throws Jordan in the middle of a decision between the two. He decides on secret option C: Run away, but Mike and Gordon are waiting outside his house as if they knew he would do that, so Jordan has to make a decision. Who does he choose? Who? WHO? Well Mike of course. I guess one reason why this episode isn't particularly memorable to me is that the situation carries no real consequence or weight to it. I know, this is a comedy, but if someone is threatening to remove a central character from a show and mix things up, at least put some effort into making us think that it could be a possibility, if only for an episode. It's funny to say this now (post-season two finale) because the consequences and weight that are missing from this episode are ever so apparent in the season finale, and it's pretty much the exact same situation too. It's probably because it's the season finale, but this episode just feels like a test for what's to come. And boy, what's coming is good.
Stray Observations:
- There were about 4 really clean, loud slaps to Mike's body this episode. It's almost like he was wearing some baby oil.
- The distinction between the Gordon and Jordan characters was really well played by Jordan, be it a simple one.
- Mike looking at a sleeping Jordan: "I should take advantage of this!"
- Unofficial awkward cut counter: 3
- Gratuitous zoom on Mike's mouth? Check.
- The universal way to distinguish between twins is that they're always wearing different shirts.
- Gordon's wearing his shoes on the bed. Ugh, barbarian.
- Those twin shots look good. I wonder who taught them that?
- Overall Episode Grade: B
i agree that this is the forgetful run of the season. the episode was overwhelmingly okay. the twin shots were cool, but everything else was a little lacking at points